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Smart Architecture

De publicatie Smart Architecture beschrijft de uitgangspunten van slimme architectuur en illustreert dit met een groot aantal projecten.
”Consider the notions time, efficiency and interactivity in the context of architecture and instantly you may find your head clouded with images of technocratic modernism. Think of ecology and environmental issues in relation to buildings and what you get is either a vision of Arcadian green landscapes sparsely populated with reed-roofed cottages of horrific projects with environmentally responsible add-ons. The smart thing to do is think in terms of interaction, minimum use of materials and energy, and careful planning over longer periods of time, to reduce the environmental impact of this major human activity called building. What you then get is smart architecture. Smart Architecture is a gloriously illustrated light-hearted book based on the outcome of the research project presented by SLA Foundation on its smartarch website. It consists mainly of examples involving new ideas on planning, building and construction and the application of intelligent systems, all in aid of sustainability.”


Smart Architecture


Ed van Hinte, Marc Neelen, Jacques Vink en Piet Vollaard


010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2003
ISBN 90-6450-490-3


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